Saturday, 23 November 2013

Enviroschools Hui

On Monday, October the 21st the Gore Main School Envirogroup attended the Enviroschools Hui in Invercargill.  This was an opportunity for Enviroschools to come together and participate in some different workshops.  It was great to meet up with other Enviroschool kids, whom we have come to know over the previous years.  Our group helped out Middle School by weeding a patch of garden, which will be their new vegetable garden.  We also looked at a town and talked about all the things that made this town sustainable.  We learnt about an electric car.  This was very interesting, plug it in, charge it up and off it goes!  There were stalls set up so that we could gain new information on things, i.e. the benefit of dung beetles, native pests, and factory free farming.  The highlight of the day was the 'Trading Game'.  Each Envirogroup had to bring a product that they had created.  They had to stand up in front of the audience and advertise their product.  Gore Main spoke very clearly about their worm juice and held up a poster that we had made prior.  After each group had advertised their product the groups could decide which product they wanted and they had the opportunity to trade.  We traded our worm juice for beautiful hand made lavender bags.  It was a good day and it gave us some good ideas about things that we could aspire to do in the future.

Something we are always doing...

Playing a game with Pat Hoffman

Meeting up with friends from Te Anau

Looking at different products made by other Envirogroups

Advertising our worm juice

Yazmin and Konnah talking






Deciding what we want to trade our juice for

Some of the Gore Main School Envirogroup

Ben opening our wormjuice

The electric car