Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Silver Award Assembly

Last year the Gore Main School Envirogroup achieved a 'silver' award in the Enviroschools programme.  This shows that the Envirogroup  continue on with existing projects within the school and implement new ones.  They are passionate about the Environment and show leadership around the school, for example Milk for Schools.  The Envirogroup is leading the way within the Gore community when it comes to recycling and creating areas that contribute to sustainability. 

A very special assembly was held on Wednesday the 9th of April to celebrate this achievement.  Guests included:  His worship the Mayor Tracy Hicks, Pat Hoffman, Councillor Cockburn, and other people from Environment Southland.  The guests were welcomed with a strong haka from the Year 4 and 5 boys. They then enjoyed a welcome from Mary Miller (GMS Principal) and were entertained by musicians from Gore Main School.  Thank you Josh, Bonnie, Alisha, Emily, Jalessa and Tayla for your musical skills.  During the assembly the Envirogroup were presented with a large sign to be displayed within the school grounds for everybody to see!  Ben Hargest, the Envirogroup captain received the award proudly and responded with a wonderful speech. 

Well done Gore Main School Envirogroup:  You are true leaders!

Check out snippets of the day in the following video clips...

Josh drumming
                                    Mary Miller (Principal at Gore Main) welcoming everybody

                                                 Pianists Bonnie/Alisha entertaining guests

His Worship the Mayor Tracy Hicks speaking
Councillor Cockburn from Environment Southland - He is Maddie's granddad (from our Envirogroup!)
Emily entertaining with her violin
Powerpoint of the history of the Gore Main School Envirogroup
Receiving the 'silver' award
 Ben the Envirogroup captain says a few words...
Jalessa and Tayla singing to farewell everybody!

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Envirogroup 2014

Greetings everybody!  Welcome to the Gore Main School Envirogroup blog for 2014.

We have a brand new group of children who will inspire and motivate all things 'Environmental' this year!  To become a member of the Envirogroup this year, children had to 'apply' to show their interest... An invitation to make a poster was put out and Mrs M received over 30 entries.  Lots of children want to be a member of the Envirogroup!  The successful 13 were notified and were chosen because of evident passion for sustainability. 

Here are the Envirogroup for 2014...

Gore Main School Envirogroup 2014

Front row:  Bridgette Shaw, Damian Dowie, Hannah Lawlor, Maddison Cockburn, Mrs M

Back row:  Gabby Harrex, Baileigh McDowell, Hayley Christie, Ben Hargest, Yazmin Mitcheson-Pope

Absent:  Luca Patching, Connie Fricker, Matthew Johnston, Jessica Udy
We have a busy year ahead.  The group had a visioning day in Term 1 and they have lots of ideas about how we can improve our environment and inspire others in our community.  We have the ideas displayed within our school on our 'vision map'.