Monday, 24 June 2013

Smarts 2013

Gore Main School runs a 'Smarts' programme each fortnight on a Friday afternoon.  The Envirogroup are a team of 'Nature Smart' kids and this time is a great opportunity for the group to come together and implement new projects or enrich existing ones.
Check out our photos to see the things that we have been up to at this time...

Planting out winter flowers!

Adding more colour to the school planter boxes

Good work team!  The polyanthers are planted!

Another project that we have been busy doing is creating a brand new garden just outside the office.  The BOT at Gore Main School approached the Envirogroup with a concern.  Many children were jumping off a ledge within the school and hurting themselves.  They thought we could build a garden around this dangerous area and that this may stop children from hurting themselves  It would also provide some more beautification around the school!  WE LOVED THE IDEA!  The first thing we did was investigate the plot where our new garden would be.  After that we went to the local garden shop and spent time with the shop assistant talking over what plants would be appropriate for the spot.  We really want to encourage native birds into our school so the garden assistant suggested native plants.  We selected some plants ourselves!  We purchased some good soil, dug it in and then with the help or our caretaker Mr Sleeman planted our new plants.  Our garden is not yet finished because it is work in progress but it has stopped children falling off the dangerous ledge.  We look forward to growing our own annuals or little plants to plant in our new garden.  Good work Envirogroup!

Tipping soil in the new garden area!

                                                                           Tidying the soil before the planting!
                                                                   Check out our beautiful new native plants!
                                                                             The soil was sandy!
                                                                                 Digging holes for the native plants!

Planting flax

                                                                                           Putting plants in!

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