Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Fonterra Grassroots fund - Tunnel house/Worm farms

Last year the Gore Main School Envirogroup applied to the Fonterra Grassroots fund for financial assistance towards a new tunnel house and worm farms.  The Fonterra Grassroots funding committee approved a sum of money and Gore Main School was able to purchase a tunnel house and more worm farms!  This is incredibly exciting for the Envirogroup because it means we can now start growing and propagating our own seedlings to sustain our gardens.  Our goal is also to provide seedlings or plants to different community organisations and we are working towards this.  The children watched the tunnel house be erected and were directly involved in putting the gravel and mats in to begin the new enterprise.  It has been hard work but our tunnel house is up and we look forward to adding more value to it with surrounding beautification as we move forward.  We can also feed future seedlings and plants with worm juice that our (fat and juicy) worms are producing!  Thank you Fonterra Grassroots fund!
Beginning to construct the tunnel house
Starting to take shape...

Looking more an more like a tunnel house!

Working inside to complete the tunnel house!

Putting in fill to level up the tunnel house

Gore Main School Envirogroup working together

Get that floor level!

The tunnel house and new working table to do our potting and growing

Looking good

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